The worship at St. Mary’s is distinguished by rich tradition, sacred music, and the inclusion and participation of our diverse community. Our beautiful Sanctuary provides the perfect setting for prayer, reflection, and celebration. We are centered in the Eucharist and the Book of Common Prayer.
We have two Sunday Services:
Rite I at 8:00 AM which is a quiet and reflective service.
Rite II at 10:30 AM is enriched by choral, piano and organ music led by our Music Director, Bob Gunn. From greeters to ushers and members of the choir, we embody the genuine spirit of inclusion. Lay participation offers the opportunity for young and old to learn more about various liturgies and the traditions we value in Christ’s name. We encourage the participation of Lay Eucharistic Ministers and lay readers at every service.
On special occasions, such as the celebration of Christmas, Palm Sunday, Easter, and Pentecost, we see even greater participation of parishioners in our services. On St. Francis Day, Blessing of the Animals, we gather in the upper garden for an outdoor service. Our worship is not restricted to Sundays, as small groups meet in the sanctuary and the Guild Hall during the week for prayer and healing.
Annual Worship
Ash Wednesday with imposition of ashes and Eucharist
Palm Sunday with procession of palms
Maundy Thursday and stripping of the Altar
Good Friday Holy Silence, 12pm noon and 7pm evening service
Easter Vigil and Festival Eucharist
St. Francis Day, Blessing of the Animals in the upper garden
Commemoration of the faithful departed, reception and candlelight prayers, early November (All Saints Day)
Christmas Eve Service, 4:00 PM
Christmas Day Service, 10:00 AM
Weekly Worship
Holy Eucharist Rite l – 8:00 am, Sanctuary
Adult Formation and Education - 9:15 am, Guild Hall
Choir Rehearsal – 9:30 am, Sanctuary
Holy Eucharist Rite II – 10:30 am, Sanctuary and Online Facebook Live
Child Care available during the 10:30 am Sunday Service, Class Room/Nursery
Coffee and Refreshments following 10:30 am Sunday service, Guild Hall
Healing Service, 10:00 am, Tuesdays, Conference Call Format (call the Parish Office for the phone number)
Weekly Eucharist, 11:00 am, Wednesdays, Sanctuary
Taize Heartfulness Prayer Service - 7:00 pm, First Thursday of Every Month, Sanctuary