Plan Your Visit
St. Mary’s welcomes everyone.
Whoever you are, and wherever you are on your journey of faith, you are welcome.
About the Services at St. Mary’s
9:30 AM: During the Summer months (July through Labor Day), we move to a combined Rite Two Service.
On September 8, 2024, we will resume our regular Sunday schedule:
8:00 AM: The 8:00am Service uses the traditional Elizabethan English of Holy Eucharist Rite One. It is a quiet, spoken service without music.
10:30 AM: Our 10:30am Service uses the contemporary language of Holy Eucharist Rite Two, and is anchored by music from our wonderful St. Mary’s Choir.
What to Expect in Worship
The worship at St. Mary’s is distinguished by rich tradition, sacred music, and the inclusion + participation of our diverse community. Our beautiful Sanctuary provides the perfect setting for prayer, reflection, and celebration. We are centered in the Eucharist (Holy Communion) and the Book of Common Prayer.
For whatever tradition you come and where you are in your spiritual journey, you are welcome at the Lord’s Table. To receive Communion, come down the center aisle as directed by the usher. Hold out your rands to receive the bread. If you prefer to receive a blessing, come forward and cross your arms over your chest.
Children & Families
St. Mary’s has a wonderful childcare provider, Mimi Chavez, who will keep your little ones safe and happy during the service in our beautiful Children’s Chapel. There are also “Youth Bulletins” in the back of the church which contain activities focused around the Sunday Lectionary.
Hospitality Hour
After our 10:30am Service (or combined 9:30am Summer Service), our wonderful Hospitality Ministry provides a breakfast spread and coffee + refreshments. All are welcome following the Rite II Service for fellowship.
“We promise to welcome you in Christ’s name. We will honor the gifts you bring. We will invite you into our community, or wish you well if you choose another path.”