
to St. Mary’s Episcopal Church
in Laguna Beach, CA

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Journey with us this Lent.

The First Sunday in Lent: with the Rev. Canon Thomas Quijada-Discavage
8:00 a.m. Rite I Holy Eucharist (spoken)
10:30am Rite II Holy Eucharist (with Choir)

- Read the Rite II Bulletin here

Ash Wednesday

Join us for the start of the 2025 Lenten Season on Wednesday, March 5:
- 12:00 p.m. Spoken Ash Wednesday Service
- 7:00 p.m. Ash Wednesday Service with choir

Journey of Faith:
Living Generosity -
Sharing Hope

Complete your 2025 Stewardship Commitment Card online by clicking the link here:


Join us In Person or online Click Here




Welcome to Community

We Welcome You!


Weekly Services at St. Mary’s

Sunday Mornings
8am Rite I Holy Eucharist (spoken), Main Church
10:30am Rite II Holy Eucharist (with choir), Main Church

Tuesday Healing Prayer at 10am
Email here for the Conference Call Number

Wednesdays at 11am
Morning Prayer Service, Main Church

Every First Thursday at 7pm
Taize Heartfulness Service, Main Church

Wherever you are in your journey of faith, you are always welcome at St. Mary’s!

Mission & Vision

Our Mission is to be open to God's love and guidance and embrace all in the name of Jesus Christ.

Our Vision is to Serve, Heal and Love our neighbor in the Light of Jesus Christ.


About Us

St. Mary’s is a blessed community and congregation. In all we do, we embrace Christ’s love as we share with others the blessings we have received. We are nurturing, welcoming, accepting, and supportive of all those who walk through our doors and beyond. We are strengthened by laughter and compassion while embracing the word of the Lord. St. Mary’s is steeped in history and love for community. As you read on, we hope you feel the sense of gratitude we share in our spiritual journey to learn, serve, and share in the ministries of our Lord Jesus Christ.


 Children’s Ministry

Children's Creative Chapel

Sundays at 10:30AM in the Children's Chapel with Mimi Chavez.

Infant/toddler care and free valet parking available during the 9:30 AM Service.





428 Park Avenue
Laguna Beach, CA 92651-2337


(949) 494-3542




Instagram @stmaryslb